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10 Reasons To Use Psychometric Tests

For those who have never used
online personality or ability tests in
their recruitment campaigns before,
testing can seem complicated.
However, these easy to use
recruitment and selection aids, can
help HR and Talent Acquisition
practitioners to streamline their
systems. Whilst it should be made
clear that tests are not infallible,
here are some of the top ten reasons
you may wish to bear in mind when
considering whether to use

  1. Tests Make Shortlisting Easier – sometimes it is difficult to see the wood for the trees. When you have many applicants for just a few roles, it is important to select those most likely to succeed.  It will be these individuals who go forward to the next stage of the recruitment process.  Using appropriate online testing as a first step can make shortlisting easier.  Allowing candidates to actually demonstrate their abilities will give them confidence and also help your recruiting team to structure the interview process.


  1. Ensure fair and un-biased results – by using tests you can demonstrate that no unconscious prejudices have crept into the recruitment process. Because test results are based on actual data and not someone’s personal opinion, all candidates will be treated equally and given the same chance.  This is particularly important when considering Neurodiversity in the workplace.  There are many people who, whilst perfectly capable of performing a job, get very uncomfortable in formal situations and do not come across well on a 1-2-1 basis.  Remote testing allows people to demonstrate their skills without added pressure.


  1. Support Interviews – by providing a starting point for discussion. Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish the good candidates from those who are just good at interviews. Being able to read between the lines of a CV and ask the questions that will really bring the individual into focus is a key skill.  Personality tests will help you identify the person’s preferred ways of working and some personality reports will even suggest questions for the panel to probe more deeply at interview. 


  1. Help with the Smooth On-boarding of new job-holders – by identifying strengths and weaknesses. Even if posts are filled internally, from within the company, it is useful to set a benchmark for new staff to demonstrate their current skill level and work preferences.  In this way, line managers will be able to see where the individual may need additional support early on and where they can be reasonably confident that the person will hit the ground running.  This will allow managers to provide the appropriate support and tailor initial targets to their new team member.


  1. Develop your staff – to progress along their chosen career path. Understanding an individual’s personal motivations will help you steer your staff to maximise on their potential.  Apart from helping with retention, knowing who has the potential to rise within the company is important when carrying out succession planning.  Just because someone is good at their job, does not necessarily mean they will make a good manager.  Personality and Scenarios or Situational Judgement Tests  (SJTs) can help you identify and differentiate between those who may become future leaders, and those who may be better placed on more technical or specialist pathways. 


  1. Promote Good Team-working – to increase productivity and staff engagement. There are several personality tests that explore good team-working.  By appreciating the different ways that others think and work, individuals can avoid misunderstandings. Team-building workshops are a good way for a group to learn about themselves and their colleagues.  In this way, people learn to make allowances for each other and keep relationships on an even keel.  A happy team is a productive team.


  1. Make your HR Processes Efficient & Cost-effective – by avoiding recruitment mistakes and reducing staff turnover. Using online testing cuts down on resource-heavy interviews and assessment centres.  However, the best way to reduce costs is to choose the best person first time.  Having to go through the recruitment process twice is expensive and time-consuming.  By conducting a thorough job analysis at the start, you can be confident in who and what you need.  Selecting the appropriate assessments to find these people and skills will then make the process more efficient.


  1. Demonstrate Reliable Results – by tracking test data over time. By gathering objective data from your recruitment and development testing, you can analyse what is working and where improvements can be made.  By comparing test results taken at recruitment and comparing them to actual performance in the role, you can establish how effectively your chosen tests are working.  If you can demonstrate a strong relationship between initial test results and the best performers, then it will be easier to convince budget-holders of the value of these assessments.


  1. Wide Choice of tests available – select the best way to assess for different roles and purposes. The range on tests and questionnaires is huge.  From mechanical reasoning to data entry.  From critical thinking to emotional intelligence.  There is an online test to fit almost every HR need.  Some test publishers offer a full range of assessments, others offer just a few specialist questionnaires.  Seeking the advice of a professional consultant will help you focus in on the best solution for your specific needs.


  1. Keep up with Advances in Technology – promote yourself as a forward-thinking company and attract the best people. New developments in psychometrics mean that tests are available and engaging to the modern workforce.  Adaptive testing adjusts to the individual test-taker and mobile-friendly, game-based tests make it easier to get candidates and staff to buy in to the process.  In a buyer’s market, ensure that it is your company that is seen as the employer of choice.


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10 Reasons To Use Psychometric Tests | We are here to support Human Resource and Talent Development Professionals – for free, no obligation advice please email or call & one of our ‘solutions’ teams will be there to help you.

Quest Partnership Ltd has been providing psychometric assessments to industry for over 26 years.  We offer independent advice on a wide range of HR assessments. In addition, we provide full support in administering and delivering tests and personality questionnaires to individual candidates / participants.  We can support recruitment panels and talent development programmes with feedback and interpretation of test results.

Our consultants are experts in their field with a track record of delivering innovative assessments.  We are also active members of our industry body, the British Psychological Society (BPS).  Our involvement in BPS steering groups has helped to raise standards and promote best practise in the use of psychometrics.

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Psychometric Assessments