Tel: +44 (0) 1285 861734

Psychometric Training

Online BPS Test User Occupational, Ability & Personality Training

Above all, our psychometric training is engaging, interactive and accredited.
Quest Partnership delivers courses that help you take what you learn into your everyday working life. They are realistic, tried and tested, and memorable. We ensure that our key messages have maximum impact, supporting you with quality materials which you can continue to use once back in the office. 

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You benefit from the many years experience of our Chartered Psychologist tutors, both during the course and after it, due to our continued professional support.

We remain independent therefore, enabling us to introduce you to a wide range of products from the leading test publishers.

We cover all aspects of psychometric testing.

Our interactive training platform & hands-on practice will give you the skills you need to apply your knowledge straight away.

Assessor Skills Training for Assessment Centres

Maximise the potential of your Assessment Centres and Development Centres by ensuring that your Assessors and Observers are fully trained and competent! BPS & ORCEF Training Model Assessor Certification.

BPS Test User: Level A & B

Successful completion of this Test User Occupational: Ability & Personality Psychometric Training ensures eligibility for inclusion on The British Psychological Society’s Register of Qualifications in Test Use (RQTU).

Competency Based Interview Training

Conducting interviews structured around competences enables you and your line managers to more accurately evaluate the suitability of a candidate and therefore improve the quality of your selection decisions.

Personality Questionnaire | Identity Training

To arrange your Personality Tool conversion course for Identity please call our team on: 01285 861734 to discuss your requirements. Please note: Currently suspended due to Covid Restrictions

As a member of the British Psychological Society our Training is aligned with the BPS Standards & Accreditation's

Psychometric Training at its best BPS

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Speak to a Psychometric Training Tutor

If you are looking to maximise staff potential while improving staff moral and above all, get the best from your talent maybe Psychometric Training is your answer?

For more information on these or any other training programmes please do call us on 01285 861734 and our psychometric solutions team will be there to advise you.

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