Tel: +44 (0) 1285 861734

Identity® Personality Questionnaire now hosted on our NEW Online Assessment Solutions Platform

Our new Online Assessment Solutions Platform now hosts the Identity® Personality Questionnaire. Providing a cost effective and efficient way to gaining an insight into your candidate’s strengths, talents and workplace behavioural preferences. 

Identity® provides Human Resource and Talent Development professionals with a system that delivers for any stage of the

Employee Lifecycle, from Recruitment and Development

to Career Transition.


Our online psychometric assessment platform is provided FREE to our business clients.

A user-friendly solution dedicated to reducing both your hiring costs and attrition rates.

User-friendly for both Practitioners and Test Takers.

No Contract, Easy-to-use, Unrestricted Access, Pay As You Go, Customisation and Client Branding, Mobile Optimised, Instant Access 24/7, Excellent Reliability, Supported by our In-house Chartered Psychologists.

Providing you with the flexibility to manage and coordinate your Human Resource projects at your convenience.

A Choice of Identity ® Reports from one Personality Test

Once the Identity® Personality Test is completed you can Generate All Reports. Cost per respondent not per report:

  1. Interview Report
  2. Candidate Feedback Report
  3. Talent Report
  4. Onboarding Report
  5. Career Report
  6. [Identity® Reports in Full]

Fully Interpreted Reports

No additional training required, our Occupational Reports are fully interpreted.  Providing you with key information regarding your candidate’s work place preferences, including a Quick-Look summary for interview.

Register for your FREE Platform Account today & receive a free trial of Identity®

Identity® Personality Questionnaire | New Flexible, User Friendly, Cost Efficient Platform

Full online administration system

Generate secure passwords for your

Flexible report options.

Send candidate reminders.

The site is intuitive and easy to use.

Flexible, Bespoke Solutions

Brand reports with your logo or your clients.

Structure against your specific competencies.

Option to choose specific norm groups.

Can be focused on specific job roles.

Cost per candidate not report

Pre-interview reports for all of your panel members.

Comprehensive Talent Report & Profile for yourself.

Candidate Feedback Report.

On-boarding report for line manager.

Identity® Personality Test | Features & Benefits

All Popular Models of Business Personality

Identity® can derive all the useful models for individuals including Leadership Styles, Team Role Preference, Jung Type (same model as MBTI), Learning Styles and Emotional Intelligence.

Identity® directly assesses 36 business related personality traits – all in a single online questionnaire.

Online Administrator Account - Pay as you go.

You can start using the online questionnaire immediately, with no set-up costs or ongoing charges.

You simply pay for each respondent who completes the questionnaire,

and then print off unlimited, fully interpreted reports.

Extremely Accurate - Researched Measures

Providing a more in-depth analysis of response style than other tools. Using a number of scales to spot potential faking, exaggeration, poor self-reviewing & emotional defensiveness. Other tools may have none or only one measure of potential response style. identity also has a vast norm base to ensure appropriate comparisons with the working population.

Workplace Behavioural Preferences Revealed by Identity®

The identity® Personality Questionnaire was developed over 26 years ago by Occupational Psychologists specifically for Business Applications | Psychometric Character Test.  It is fully accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS).


Globally Recognised & Trusted Personality Test

It is a high quality, researched personality questionnaire that is more accurate and predictive than other personality tests. It is comprehensive, accessible, fully interpreted and can be structured against your specific organisation’s competencies.

Identity® is a full Level 2 accredited, psychometric personality self-perception questionnaire. The questionnaire takes approximately half an hour to complete. Reports are generated fully interpreted for use with the complementary candidate feedback report.

Users who are unfamiliar with the report are recommended to contact us for advice and guidance. Our psychometric practitioners are always happy to discuss the information created by the reports and /or their use. Clarification regarding the content or the areas flagged for further discussion in interview are always welcome.

[More information on how to apply to the recruitment process]

Identity® Personality Questionnaire Service Options:

Call us for guidance: 01285 861734

[Price Information]

Online Administration System

Pay-per-use (no license fee) £40.00

Unlimited reports per respondent

Discounts for volume

No minimum purchase

Include your Logo

Practitioner Supported Bureau Service

Invitation email sent to candidates

Reports generated & sent to you

Additional reports available

Psychologist feedback support

To register for an account
Please call
To email a request