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“Should competency-based Assessment Centres be consigned to history?” | Webinar

UK-ACG Webinar 22nd May 2019

The 1st UK-ACG Webinar of 2019

We’re delighted to announce the first UK-ACG webinar of 2019. “Should competency-based assessment centres be consigned to history?” | Webinar. Join us in the company of distinguished contributors to the debate:


Dr. Chris Dewberry

Birkbeck, University of London

Dr. Duncan Jackson

King’s College London

Helen Baron

Leading Researcher and Practitioner in Assessment Centres and Psychometrics

Should competency-based assessment centres be consigned to history? | Webinar

This will be a fast-paced webinar that promises to provide a thought-provoking look at the future of competency-based assessment centres.

The content will include a review of latest research into competencies, and the challenges this presents for conventional assessment centre methodology. We will also discuss recent innovations in assessment centre methodology (e.g. task-based assessment centres) and implications for our future practice.

“Should competency-based Assessment Centres be consigned to history?”

This Webinar is a very thought provoking subject to be starting with and we look forward to a lively discussion. Please register now to be part of this lively, fast-paced event. Our ceiling is 100 so if we exceed that we will send round a recording to those who can’t attend in person.


About the UK-ACG & Quest Partnership

Quest Partnership’s Max Choi is a senior committee member of the UK-ACG and Quest Partnership Ltd is a Corporate Affiliate of UK-ACG.

The UK Assessment Centre Group (UK-ACG) is a special interest group of people with a keen interest, knowledge and experience in the Assessment Centre method.


The UK-ACG was launched at the first UK Assessment Centre Conference in November 2013 with the following aims:

  • Promote professional use of Assessment Centre (AC) methodology and Assessment Centre standards

  • Facilitate exchange of experience, views, opinions and skills through multiple channels

  • Stimulate research about the AC technique

  • Ensure ACs are applied ethically and professionally

  • Ensure application of ACs in the UK keeps pace with global and technological developments

  • Ensure diversity and equality issues are fully integrated into AC practice

  • Encourage participation by all groups with an interest in AC practice

  • To organise a regular UK Assessment Centre Conference to drive latest thinking and approaches, share knowledge and experiences, and to network with like-minded people

Should competency-based assessment centres be consigned to history? | Webinar


This is the first webinar of 2019 and Quest Partnership is proud to be supporting the event, future topics will announced shortly but if you have one you would like the committee to consider please contact Max at:

Download Free Copy of the Webinar Here

 Should competency-based assessment centres be consigned to history? | Webinar