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How do I measure managerial judgement when screening for selection and development?

SHL Scenarios – Situational Judgement Tests (SJT’s) assess how an individual will approach situations encountered in the workplace and their ability to choose the most appropriate action. They are built around hypothetical scenarios to assess how an individual would react in a real-world management situation that they could encounter in the job they are applying for.

SHL Scenarios tests are one of the activities used to maintain a productive workforce, they are particularly useful within human resource management when recruiting, selecting and training managers, graduates, directors and executives.

Quest Partnership’s Director and Founder Max Choi is the author of the very first and market-leading management Situational Judgement Test. Three versions of this SHL Scenarios Test are available, to measure judgement in Graduates, Managers and Senior Executives.

They comprise of 16 management situations (or scenarios). For each situation there will be responses provided to deal with the situation. The individual rates each response according to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of that response. Scenarios is a test of managerial judgement, measuring an individual’s ability to weigh up real life managerial situations and decide on appropriate and effective ways of handling them.

The Narrative Report

The narrative Report provides a profile of results i.e. the overall managerial judgement score and three sub-test scores, and six elements. The report describes the performance level for all the sub-scales. The results are then compared against an appropriate comparison group of graduates/ undergraduates, managers or executives. The report also provides powerful specific feedback and development tips based on the individual’s responses, along with more general development advice for each of the scales.

Participant Feedback Report

A participant focused report contains; Management Scenarios profile; Detailed narrative feedback of each of the 4 scales; Managerial Judgement, Managing Objectives, People Management and Reputation Management; Table of scores for each of the 6 style scales; Big picture, Delegative, One-to-one, Team, Personal recognition and Company Protocol; Detailed narrative feedback report (with development tips) for each of the 6 style scales.

SHL Scenarios can be used in the following:

  • A psychometric test for screening managers, graduates, directors and executives, for use in the recruitment and selection process
  • Interview pre-screening and within an assessment centre 
  • As part of a coaching or mentoring programme 
  • Input into a management development programme 
  • Identifying management potential for internal promotion

SHL Scenarios is an un-timed online psychometric assessment, which typically takes around 30 minutes to complete.

Purchase Scenarios via our shop or call us on: 01285 861734